Useful Guides
Kent Local Offer
For information on Support for families; Childcare and Preschool; SEND local offer; Protecting Children; Schools; Children in Care; Educating your child at Home; Activities outside school; Adopting and Fostering; HeadStart Kent and College, Sixth form, employment and training.
Children’s Centres
Supports for 0-5’s and their families. Each centre offers different services, including:
early education
training or finding a new job
antenatal classes
baby clinics
support with breastfeeding
support with parenting and speech and language
drop-in sessions for parents and children
services for children with special needs and disabilities
opportunities for families to get involved with volunteering and designing services
Potty Training Advice by NHS
Tooth brushing NHS guide
From brushing their first tooth to their first trip to the dentist, here's how to take care of your children's teeth.
Healthy Eating
Change4life – Advice on Tasty Recipes; Food facts; child’s weight; Mental wellbeing tips for parents; how to wash hands; indoor activities for kids and many more.
Speech and Language Therapy
Also check Children’s Centre for drop in Speech and Language sessions (details above)
For support on helping children communicate.
National Autistic Society
You’ll find services directed towards autistic people, parents and carers and professionals. We advise that you speak to your GP, health visitor and NHS professionals working with you and your child.
What to expect, When?
Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage
Development Matters
Development Matters demonstrates how the four themes of the EYFS Framework and the principles that inform them work together to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children within the context of the EYFS framework