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Our Day at Plaxtol Nursery, Sevenoaks

         9:00 am -9:15 am - Opening time

Our nursery door opens, children arrive, welcome by cheerful and loving key workers.

Parents/carers settle children in and the children self-register, learning to recognise their own name card at their table and to put it on the register board.  


         9:20 am– Free Flow Activities and Sensory play

Our teachers set up fun activities for us all to learn! Depending on our age group and our abilities, there is something for everyone! We love messy play and enjoy experimenting with lots of different textures including sand, water, paint, and cornflour! Children are allowed to choose from a range of different resources stored at children’s height thereby making their own choices and what they would like to learn/play with.


        9:45 am - Focus and child-initiated activities

Children involved in an adult-initiated activity relating to the previous session modelled and supported by Key Person and other teachers.  Activities are designed to reinforce our learning and to practice key skills such as mark-making, grip, finger and hand strength, cutting skills, etc.  This session may be indoors or outdoors.  This session is very flexible, children’s interest is at the centre as an adult plan and teaches in the moment of the children’s play and interest as they go along.


        10:00 am - Snack time

We offer fresh fruits and snacks served with milk and or water daily to children. Talks around where our foods come from, where they are grown and how they taste as well as what we like or dislike often happen at snack time. Children are encouraged to pour their milk or water from jugs into cup independently and support are offered if needed. The children practice cutting with a child-friendly safety knife and generally develop life essential skills while they enjoy their snack.


        10:15 am Activities 

Keyworker plan activities that will support their key children to achieve their next steps. Children learn best through play.


        11:00 am Tidy uptime.

Children encouraged to join in sorting toys and placing incorrect boxes, dress dolls to put them away, etc.  


        11:15 am Outdoor play

Outdoor play is very important for young children and all of our children use the outside areas whatever the weather. Parents are asked to provide suitable clothing so that children can go outside in all weather conditions. We are lucky to be surrounded by beautiful natural rural outdoor scenery allowing our children great space to enjoy the best that nature has to offer.



Storytime, songs, and a variety of short activities depending on the children’s choice. Children staying for lunch go to the dining area.


        12:20 pm Lunch time

During lunchtime, children eat their packed lunch prepared from home. We encourage parents to pack healthy food for children. Parents do not need to worry about the temperature of their packed food as they are kept in the nursery refrigerator to keep it fresh until lunchtime. We operate a no nut zone in our nursery and children with allergy are supervised during lunchtime and snack time.


        12:30 pm Home time

Children take turns to ring the end of morning session bell and parents/carers are allowed in to collect their children. The door opens slightly before 12:30 to allow time for key workers to give daily feedback to parents.


        1:00 pm Story time and independent reading

Enjoying books and reading stories from a very early age is crucial in the development of children. It helps with their ability to understand words, use their imagination and develop their speech.


         1:20 pm Forest school

Depending on the weather, we prepare and put on overall, jackets, boots hats, etc to have the appropriate clothing for the weather while we spend time enjoying nature and working with each other in forest school. Promoting independence in the children is at the heart of what we do and giving children the opportunity to try new things as they learn.


         3:00 pm Home time

Children take turns to ring the end of day bell and parents/carers are allowed in to collect their children.



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Plaxtol Nursery School
Memorial Hall, School Lane
Plaxtol, Sevenoaks
Telephone: 01732811395

URN: 2507772


Thank you for your interest, please check your email for the prospectus.

© 2024 Plaxtol Nursery School. All contents on this website (including images) are owned by us and our licensors. Do not attempt to copy without our consent.

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